Cvreoz® Pet Oral Repair Gel


Cvreoz® Pet Oral Repair Gel

Pet oral problems, solved here!

Cvreoz® Pet Oral Repair Gel can thoroughly whiten yellow teeth, remove tartar accumulated on teeth, solve dental plaque, and bring a comprehensive and clean oral experience. Remove bad breath, relieve tooth sensitivity, gum bleeding, etc. Solve tooth sensitivity and gum bleeding, repair gum damage and receding gums. For example:

M.D. Recommend

As a pet dentist, if your pet has tartar buildup, infections, stains, and other dental hygiene issues. I recommend this Cvreoz® Pet Oral Restorative Gel. It contains a variety of herbal extracts, minerals, vitamins, and organic compounds that help dissolve hardened tartar, thereby removing it and preventing infection.

Here is some feedback from some of our consumers:

“I have tried a million different ways to brush my dogs teeth, especially since the vet cleaning is super expensive, and she refuses to let me do it no matter what I’ve tried. She clenches her jaw so tight. Accumulated tartar over the years looks very disgusting. And he has a serious bad breath. Since I used Cvreoz® Pet Oral Repair Gel, he wouldn’t refuse at all because he likes the taste. After a few days of use, the tartar is completely removed, the teeth look much cleaner. And the breath is fresh. Really recommend this product”


“One of the things my dog loves most about Cvreoz® Pet Oral Repair Gel is that it has a fresh flavor and is very easy to use. It’s gentle and non-abrasive, so it won’t damage your teeth or gums, but it’s also very effective at removing tartar and other buildup.”

“I started to notice some discomfort in my dog mouth His gums are red, appearing to have inflammation. And there is buildup of tartar on his teeth. I suspect it’s the buildup of tartar causing gum inflammation.My friend recommended this spray to me. After a few use, it really remove tartar buildup and address the inflammation in his gums.After the treatment was complete.His mouth was no longer painful and his breath was fresher.Good dental health is so important for pets and I’m happy that my dog was able to get the help he needed to maintain it”

Cvreoz® Pet Oral Repair Gel is dedicated to solving oral problems safely and harmlessly.  This oral repair gel is very easy to use. It can be applied directly to the teeth or used with other oral products or toothpaste. It spreads easily and distributes evenly on the teeth, easily targeting hard-to-reach areas where tartar can build up.
Package Included: 1Box/2Boxes/4Boxes/6Boxes/10Boxes x Cvreoz® Gel
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